It should come as no surprise that a well-designed work environment can positively affect the work ethic of employees. A workplace with dull colors, poorly planned layouts, and lack of flair could possibly demotivate those who would otherwise make the most of their time in the office. A recent survey discovered a correlation between office design and employee retention, prompting businesses across the country to rearrange layouts, as well as change their management styles altogether.

As the trend of open floor plans is beginning to take over, it’s critical to take into consideration the varied work styles of each employee. Some may regard this new layout of a lack of privacy and excessive noise, while others may appreciate the opportunity to interact much more easily. Should the majority of your staff go against an open floor plan, dedicate individual spaces for your employees to satisfy their privacy needs. These can range from cubicles, to private rooms with workstations inside. The comfort of your employees is key.

Productivity within the workplace can increase with well thought out desk assignments as well. Creating logical placement of specific employees based on their responsibilities and material needs will make their jobs easier, possibly resulting in a higher level of appreciation for your company. By positioning those near each other with similar tasks, newer opportunities for collaboration will manifest themselves. While these employees can help one another, they also better their chances in generating new ideas, whether they are for their specific duties, or the company as a whole.

Thinking ergonomically when arranging your office’s layout is another aspect to examine. Many employees prefer the ability to move around within their work environments. Standing desks, community workstations, and break rooms with comfortable furniture are just a few ways to provide your staff with a change of scenery. Allowing workers flexibility in where they can work within the office can greatly promote employee satisfaction and productivity.

Building a sense of community in the office can improve not only company function, but spark collaboration among your team, fostering positive feelings about the business in general. As previously mentioned, employees working physically close together allows them to exchange ideas more frequently. However, pay attention to proximity. There is a line between the right number of workers to have together, and too many, which can create an overwhelming environment.

When all’s said and done, happier employees lead to improved company function. One obvious way to improve the moods of those working for you is to give them a workplace design that inspires them to come in every morning, and put their best foot forward.