It should go without saying that being honest throughout the entire hiring process is crucial in order to make the smartest, most beneficial hires. However, because this process can be time consuming and overall exhausting, many hiring managers tend to cut corners to score the best options available in as little time as they can.

Failing to mention specific details about a position and its responsibilities, or ultimately lying in general will only hurt both parties. An aspiring employee oftentimes wants to learn as much as they can about a business’s standard practices, the culture, goals, and possibility for growth. Selling them short is only holding back the company itself.

Many interviewers and managers may shy away from the negative aspects of their businesses, but most understand the importance of transparency. All jobs contain difficult facets. To deny this would be to lie to your applicants. In order to harness this transparency that all businesses should abide by, make sure your practice honestly throughout every phase of the hiring process.

If your business often works long hours, nights, or weekends, failing to tell an applicant about this beforehand can result in some less than desirable feedback. This can further lead to employees not giving their best efforts, not recommending anyone apply to your business, or negative reviews in general.

Be honest with yourself. If the time in which a position must be filled is an issue, make sure the person you choose to hire is the best possible candidate. Many managers are quick to hire because of time constraints, and end up choosing someone under qualified. This can easily lead to them quitting or being terminated, putting you back at the starting position of needing to fill the vacant position.

While it is certainly less common than failing to mention the negatives, not detailing the positives of the job you are hiring for is simply shooting yourself in the foot. Highlight the most appealing aspects of your company and why you think said candidate would like them. For example, a strong understanding of work-life balance is something that not every business considers a priority. If yours does, bringing this up during the interview could make the job that much more attractive.

Similarly, explaining that you encourage growth within your company is typically seen as another perk to applicants. You should always be invested in your employees, educating them and helping them grow throughout their time with your company. Perks and raises should also come accordingly. Explaining to candidates that compensation for this hard work is in order often drives them even more.

Company culture is another facet of modern day business that many job seekers find very alluring, so long as it suits their lifestyles. With that said, don’t simply say what the candidate wants to hear. Explain how your office operates and the culture within it before catering to their needs. If it is not the right fit for them, they are not the right fit for you.

Always be open and honest about the inner workings of your company when interviewing potential employees, leaving nothing out. If they are hired, they will learn everything anyway, so simply hiding any aspect is trivial. To end on a lighter note, transparency and the willingness to explain everything about your business to potential hires often results in mutual happiness, and a professional relationship that proves beneficial to the company.